Hope Callaghan - Garden Girls 06 - Magnolia Mansion Mysteries Read online

Page 5

Chapter 5

  Andrea’s sleek sports car pulled in the drive a few minutes later. Gloria chuckled under her breath. Poor thing, she muttered under her breath.

  Gloria stepped onto the porch and waited for her young friend to emerge from the car. The look on Andrea’s face said it all. She flopped down in the rocking chair, closed her eyes and leaned her head against the back. “I don’t know if I’m going to survive this visit,” she moaned.

  Gloria settled into the chair next to her. She reached over and patted her hand. “Of course you are, dear.” She paused. “At least they’re not moving in with you. Permanently.”

  Andrea’s head jerked up. Her eyes widened in horror. “Bite your tongue!”

  Gloria laughed. “Are they really that bad?”

  Andrea rubbed her chin. “You have no idea. My mother is looking for local exterminators to come fumigate the house. My dad is insisting I move back to New York.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “No daughter of mine is living in this little hick town. They probably don’t even have a proper police force.” She mimicked her father and did a pretty good job, at that.

  Gloria pushed her foot on the floor and gave the rocker a gentle nudge. “What does Pierce think?”

  Andrea let out a long sigh. “He thinks he should move in with me to protect me.”

  That didn’t sound like such a bad idea. The fact that someone had been inside her house not long ago. And now discovering a dead body in her dumpster? That would give any parent reason to be concerned.

  Gloria had an idea. “Have you thought about getting a roommate? After all, that is a big house.”

  Andrea stared blankly at the field and barn across the street. She had tossed the idea around a few times. But it would almost be like admitting defeat. Like she couldn’t handle living on her own.

  “Pierce mentioned that Alice is thinking about retiring. She’s sick of living in the city,” Andrea said.

  Gloria nodded. Andrea had mentioned her parents’ housekeeper, Alice, more than once. How she was like a second mother and had been with the family as long as Andrea could remember.

  “What if Alice came here to live with you?”

  Andrea’s long, red fingernails tapped the armrest. She nodded. It was a thought. It would appease her parents. Pierce would be happy. Gloria would be happy. She loved Alice dearly. It was an idea!

  “I think I’ll give her a call. Run it by her.” Andrea’s voice grew excited. “I know Alice would just love this place,” she gushed. “She hates the city but stayed for my parents – and me.”

  The only problem Gloria could see was that even though Alice said she hated living in the city, moving to such a small town would be a big change. There were no malls, no coffee shops, only one restaurant…

  Andrea answered the question before Gloria could form the words. “She hates the traffic. Hates the noise.” She giggled. “I remember one time when she and I tried to grow a garden on the outdoor terrace.” She shook her head. “I don’t even remember what it was but it never did turn into anything. There wasn’t enough light or maybe it was too much smog and it choked the plants.”

  Gloria could hear the excitement in Andrea’s voice. “You mentioned Alice has been around since you were young. Do you have any idea how old she is?” Gloria wondered. Maybe it would be too much for Alice. Change could be hard for people who were older and set in their ways…

  Mally wandered over to Andrea’s chair and flopped down on top of her feet. Andrea reached down and patted her head. “I’d have to say she’s probably about your age. Maybe a little older.”

  Gloria nodded thoughtfully. The woman might jump at the chance. Gloria knew she would. She shuddered at the thought of living in New York City. She’d never even been there. Never had a desire to go.

  The biggest city she’d ever been to was Chicago to see her son, Eddie. Even that was too much. After a few days, Gloria was ready to pack up and head back to her peaceful little town.

  “Would you like some tea or lemonade?” Gloria asked.

  Andrea shook her head. “I should go back.” She ran her fingers through her golden locks. “I fibbed and told them I had to make a quick trip to the post office.”

  Gloria walked Andrea out to her car. “Have you heard anything from the police on the body or the painting?”

  Andrea shook her head. “Nope. Not yet.” She grabbed the door handle. “What do you think?”

  Gloria wished she’d had a chance to get a better look at the body and the clothing. “The fact that the bones were intact makes me suspect that the body had been planted there. I doubt it was inside your kitchen walls. After all, the construction workers would’ve noticed it.”

  Andrea nodded. “That’s what I thought.” She opened the car door and slid inside. “What about the locked room in the basement?”

  “I’m going make a run to the hardware store. Brian might have some ideas on how to pick the lock.”

  Andrea started her car and rolled the window down.

  Gloria leaned in. “Have you ever been in the attic, Andrea?”

  Andrea shivered, as if just the thought of the attic gave her the chills. “Nope. I almost went up there once but chickened out.”

  “Hmm…” The wheels were spinning in Gloria’s head.

  Andrea slipped on her sunglasses. “I can tell by the look on your face you’re dying to check it out.”

  She put the car in reverse but kept her foot on the brake. “If you really want to see it…Why don’t you come by the house tomorrow?”

  Gloria grinned. “I’ll be there in the morning,” she promised. Before Andrea could back up, Gloria reached her hand through the open window and touched Andrea’s arm. “I know your parents are driving you nuts. Just remember - it’s only temporary.” She paused. “I like the idea of Alice coming to live with you. You should really think about it.”

  Andrea promised she’d give it serious thought. Gloria watched as her young friend pulled out of the drive and disappeared down the road. She sent up another small prayer for Andrea and patience as Mally and she wandered inside.

  Back inside the house, she picked up her cell phone that was lying on the table. There was a text message. It was from Paul. “I thought you’d never ask! When do you want me? I’m free tonight.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. It wouldn’t give her a lot of time to plan but that was beside the point. Paul was coming over!

  With an improved mood, Gloria texted him to come by at 6:00 sharp and that she was making dinner.

  She grabbed her purse from the chair, her keys from the rack and headed to the car. The day was shaping up, after all!

  Chapter 6

  Gloria’s first stop was the hardware store, Nails and Knobs. She parked at the end of main street, in front of the store and right next to Brian’s SUV. She slid out of Anabelle and headed up the steps.

  She opened the front door and stepped inside. A gentle breeze brushed past her. Ceiling fans whirled silently above. Gloria loved how Brian had retained the original charm of the old hardware store. It was like taking a step back in time.

  She started down the center aisle and caught a glimpse of him back behind the counter. He grinned when he spotted Gloria. “I’ve been wondering how long it would take for you to stop by.”

  Gloria hopped up on the barstool in front of the counter and dropped her purse on top. “You don’t say.”

  Brian nodded. He turned to the small counter behind him. He grabbed a clean cup from the shelf. He poured a cup of coffee and set it in front of Gloria. She took a sip and eyed him over the rim.

  Brian wrapped his hands around his own mug and leaned forward. “You’re here to pick my brain,” he guessed.

  “Sort of…”

  She reached inside her purse and pulled out her phone. She clicked on the picture of the lock that was hanging on Andrea’s basement door. She tapped the screen and made the picture as large as possible before handing the phone to Brian.

  “I n
eed to pick this lock or find the key,” she told him.

  Brian squinted at the screen. He tipped the phone to the side and into the overhead light. “Well, I’ll be darned.”

  He scrolled to the next picture before stopping at the third and final picture. The one she had taken of the back. “Illinois Lock Company,” he muttered.

  “Is that what it says?” Gloria hadn’t been able to read the small print on the back.

  He handed the phone back to her. “You’re never gonna believe this. Follow me.” He signaled her to the back, through the door marked “Employees Only.”

  Gloria hopped down from the stool and followed behind. She had never been in the back of the hardware store. They squeezed in between two rows of cabinets, crammed full of gadgets and gizmos.

  He peered at one of the shelves just over Gloria’s head. It was loaded with all kinds of locks. He stuck his hand on the shelf and reached around. “It’s in here somewhere. I just saw it the other day.”

  He shoved his hand behind a cardboard box and plucked out a lock. “Aha!” He pulled the lock down and held it out for Gloria to inspect. It was the same exact lock that was on Andrea’s basement door! “This it?”

  “I do believe it is!” Gloria took the lock from him. “Is there a key?”

  “I think so.” Brian reached up and felt around the shelf. “Here it is.” He pulled his hand out and in it was a silver key. It reminded Gloria of a skeleton key, except this one was thicker and not as long. He handed it to her.

  She turned it over. “Do you think it will fit Andrea’s lock?”

  He shrugged. “It’s worth a try.”

  Gloria looked back at the shelves and the array of locks and stacks of keys. “I wonder if the Johnsons bought their lock here at the store.”

  The front doorbell tinkled. Someone had come in. Gloria followed Brian back out to the front. He closed the door behind them. “That would make sense.”

  She nodded. Her detective radar was in high gear. She still had to talk to Doc Decker to see what he remembered about the mysterious people who lived in the mansion.

  She added George Ford to her list. George was the original owner of the hardware store.

  Gloria glanced at her watch and then reached for her purse. “Thanks for loaning me the key. I’m running by Andrea’s tomorrow morning. I’ll try it then.”

  Brian nodded. “Have you met Andrea’s parents yet?”

  Brian and Andrea had been dating for a few months now. So far, the relationship had Gloria’s seal of approval. Brian was turning out to be what Gloria considered excellent husband material: Hardworking, motivated, smart, funny, handsome.

  “Yep. I met them this morning. Right after we discovered the body in the dumpster,” she added.

  Brian respected Gloria’s opinion. “I’m curious….” He was about to ask her what she thought, but the customer was standing at the counter, waiting to speak with him. “I’ll get back with you later.” Gloria nodded and headed for the door.

  Next on her list was a stop at the Quik Stop grocery to pick up a couple things for her dinner with Paul. Her heart raced at the thought of spending the evening with him.

  With a bounce in her step, Gloria headed down the sidewalk, to the other end of main street and the Quik Stop.

  Her cheerful mood abruptly ended when she stepped inside the store. Sally Keane was behind the counter, waiting on a customer. She was grumbling about something. Loudly.

  Determined to grab her purchases and make a quick escape before Sally sucked her in with all her moaning and groaning, she grabbed a large bag of shredded cheddar cheese and a jar of olive oil. By the time she reached the checkout counter, the other customer had left.

  Gloria was trapped. There was no way to avoid the inevitable conversation. “How are you today, Sally?” She cringed inwardly as she realized that was the wrong thing to ask…

  “Well, now that you mention it, I’m having a bad day. I was up all night with gut-wrenching stomach cramps. I’m not sure if the chicken I had at the restaurant last night was bad or if I’m coming down with something.” Sally clutched her stomach and moaned. “Oh, there it goes again.”

  Gloria took a step back. “I’m sorry to hear that.” Gloria hoped it was nothing. If not, the woman was either getting sick or had eaten something bad at Dot’s place and in that case, everyone who came in the grocery store was going to hear every little detail.

  Sally wasn’t finished. “On top of that, my car wouldn’t start this morning.” She put the cheese and olive oil in a small paper bag and took Gloria’s money. “I was late for work.”

  Brian Sellers owned the grocery store, along with the hardware store, and the pharmacy on main street. Gloria was certain Brian would cut Sally some slack if he knew she was having car problems.

  Sally shoved the bills in the register and handed Gloria her change. “I need another job. This one just doesn’t pay enough or give me enough hours.”

  “Maybe you should look for something in Green Springs,” Gloria suggested. Green Springs was a larger town, not far from Belhaven.

  “But that’s a long drive, especially in the winter,” Sally whined.

  Gloria shook her head and tightened her jaw. There was no pleasing this woman! She wondered what on earth Officer Joe saw in her…

  As Gloria stepped back out onto the sidewalk, she secretly hoped the woman would find another job! One that was far, far away from Belhaven so she wouldn’t have to listen to her moaning and groaning any longer!

  Gloria hopped in her car and headed back to the farm.

  Back in the kitchen, she cleared everything off the table and reached for her apron. She rolled up her sleeves. It was time to fix her chicken cheddar cheese bake. It was a family favorite for as long as Gloria could remember and something she’d never fixed for Paul before.

  Gloria switched on the portable radio that sat on the corner shelf behind the kitchen table. Christian music filled the air and Gloria hummed along as she worked.

  The afternoon flew by and before Gloria knew it, it was almost time for Paul to arrive. She untied her apron and hung it on the hook near the door. She headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

  She made a final comb through her hair when she heard a light tap on the back door. Gloria patted her hair one last time and practically floated to the kitchen. Her heart fluttered at the thought of seeing Paul.

  As she rounded the corner of the dining room, she could see his tall frame fill the doorway. She flung the door open and stepped aside.

  The smile on his face matched Gloria’s own. He leaned down to kiss her lips. When the kiss ended, Gloria leaned her head on his chest, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had missed the smell of him. The feel of him. His voice. Tears stung the back of her eyes. She blinked them back quickly as he pulled away.

  He tilted his head and gazed into her eyes. “I hope this means you’re happy to see me,” he teased.

  Gloria gulped the air and swallowed hard. “Yes, of course,” her voice broke.

  He put his arms around her again and held her close. He laid his cheek on top of her head. His deep voice was like music to her ears. “I sure have missed my girl,” he said.

  When he finally pulled away again, he held her at arm’s length. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I almost forgot what you looked like.”

  She wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. “Same here,” she shot back.

  He fumbled inside his pocket and pulled out a small, wrapped box. A velvety red ribbon was tied around it. He handed it to her. “For you.”

  She looked down at the small, wrapped package in her hand. “What’s this?”

  “Go ahead. Open it.”

  Gloria sunk down in the kitchen chair. Paul pulled out the chair next to hers and leaned in.

  The box was almost too pretty to unwrap. She could tell right away that it was a jewelry box.

  She untied the red ribbon and slipped off the lid. Inside the box was a b
lue sapphire ring. Diamonds surrounded the sapphire and dotted both sides of the band. The ring was beautiful.

  Gloria had never had a sapphire before. She pulled the ring from the velvet box and slipped it on her ring finger. It fit perfectly.

  “This is beautiful,” she gushed. She stretched her arm out and admired it from a distance. The stones twinkled under the bright kitchen light.

  Paul grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. A warm flush of heat rushed from the top of her head to the tip of her toes.

  Paul didn’t release her hand. Instead, he pulled her close and kissed her. She started to pull back but he wasn’t ready to let her go. He placed his hand behind her head and pulled her even closer, deepening the kiss.

  When they finally separated, Gloria’s cheeks were flushed and her breathing uneven.

  Paul’s eyes twinkled. “Now that was a kiss,” he told her.

  Gloria was unnerved. The intensity of the kiss left her breathless.

  She jumped to her feet and nearly fell flat on her face in an effort to make a hasty retreat. It was the most intimate kiss they’d shared to date. One that promised so much more. If only…

  Paul could tell the kiss had her flustered. Heck, it had flustered him! He decided to change the subject. “The kids are moving out,” he announced.

  Gloria tugged on the bottom of her silk blouse and spun around to face him. “They are?”

  He nodded and grinned. “A week from tomorrow.”

  Before she could reply, the timer on the stove went off. The cheddar chicken was ready.

  Paul hopped out of his chair and headed for the oven. He turned the timer off and grabbed the potholder on top of the stove. He opened the oven door and pulled the baked chicken from the rack. He set the glass dish on the glass cooktop.

  There was another baking dish still in the oven. This one was full of roasted red potatoes. He pulled it out and set it next to the chicken. His mouth watered. “This looks delicious.”

  Gloria popped a pan of rolls in the hot oven. “We have a few minutes to let these bake. I’ll pour a couple lemonades and we can wait out on the porch.” She didn’t wait for an answer as she grabbed two glasses and filled them with ice.


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